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​What is iGaming you might think? Well, simply put iGaming is having a bet on the outcome of an event or game online. These includes poker, sports betting and online casinos. I am sure you have seen many commercials of these companies on your TV back home

Many of our candidates might have started as Customer Support agents to get to know the industry but then also worked their way up to become Shift Leaders, Team Leaders, Marketing Managers, and much more! Malta and this industry give you an unique opportunity to get really important jobs, without the pressure of perhaps needing a Master degree as we are might use to from our home environments in Scandinavia.

The clients are looking into your personality, your motivation for working with just this specific industry – and wish to find the perfect match – both for them, but also for you as a candidate!


Korean-speaking Game Presenter to Madrid, Spain

  • Madrid
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Japanese-speaking Game Presenter to Madrid, Spain

  • Madrid
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Learn about Malta and the iGaming industry

​​Malta, Malta, Malta – a wonderful little sunny rock in the middle of the Mediterranean! What´s not to love?As the...